[1] Azimuthal geodesics in closed FLRW cosmologies
to appear in Physical Review D [2404.18119 gr-qc]
Jointly with A. d'Alfonso del Sordo, B. Hartmann and L. E. Muench

[2] Teleparallel Jackiw-Teitelboim gravity
International Journal of Modern Physics D33 (2024 2430001 [2404.18679 gr-qc]
Jointly with R. Ferraro and F. Fiorini

[3] Cosmological fluids with boundary term couplings
General Relativity and Gravitation 56 (2024) 75 [2404.05301 gr-qc]
Jointly with A. d'Alfonso del Sordo

[4] A new 2D formulation of modified General Relativity
Fortschritte der Physik/Progress of Physics 72 (6) 2300216 (2024) [2308.01728 gr-qc]
Jointly with E. Jensko

[5] Generating exact polytropes in non-conservative unimodular geometries
Physics of the Dark Universe 44 (2024) 101443 [2402.07620 gr-qc]
Jointly with S. Hansraj, C. Hansraj, N. Mkhize, A. Errehymy


[1] Modified gravity: a unified approach to metric-affine models
Journal of Mathematical Physics 64 (2023) 082505 [2301.11051 gr-qc]
Jointly with E. Jensko

[2] Dynamical systems analysis of f(Q) gravity
Universe 9 (2023) 4, 166 [2303.04463 gr-qc]
Special issue: Modified Gravity Approaches to the Tensions of ΛCDM
Jointly with E. Jensko and R. Lazkoz


[1] European Consortium for Astroparticle Theory (EuCAPT). EuCAPT White Paper:
Opportunities and Challenges for Theoretical Astroparticle Physics in the Next Decade
R. Alves Batista et al. (137 authors)
[2110.10074 astro-ph.HE]

[2] New Horizons for Fundamental Physics with LISA
Living Reviews in Relativity 25 (2022) 4 [2205.01597 gr-qc]
LISA Collaboration, K.G. Arun et al. (141 authors)

[3] Cosmological dynamical systems in modified gravity
European Physical Journal C82 (2022) 500 [2201.09588 gr-qc]
Jointly with E. Jensko and R. Lazkoz


[1] The Twinning Problem
Mathematics in Industry Reports (2021)
Jointly with L. Corcoran, A. Einav, C. L. Hall, J. P. Harris, L. Midgley, M. J. Negus and N. Peyerimhoff (This content is an early or alternative research output and has not been peer reviewed at the time of posting.)

[2] Modified Gravity and Cosmology: An Update by the CANTATA Network
Springer ISBN 978-3-030-83715-0 or 978-3-030-83714-3 [2105.12582 gr-qc]
E. N. Saridakis, R. Lazkoz, V. Salzano, P. Vargas Moniz et al. (53 authors in total)

[3] Modified gravity: a unified approach
Physical Review D104 (2021) 024010 [2103.15906 gr-qc]
Jointly with E. Jensko

[4] Compatibility conditions of continua using Riemann-Cartan geometry
Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 26 (2021) 513-529 [2006.06800 math-ph]
Jointly with Y. Lee


[1] BTZ gems inside regular Born-Infeld black holes
Classical and Quantum Gravity 37 (2020) 185002 [2005.11843 hep-th]
Jointly with F. Fiorini

[2] Prospects for Fundamental Physics with LISA
General Relativity and Gravitation 52 (2020) 81 [2001.09793 gr-qc]
E. Barausse, E. Berti, T. Hertog, S. A. Hughes, P. Jetze et al. (around 270 others)

[3] Chirality in the plane
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 134 (2020) 103753 [1906.03094 math-ph]
Jointly with Y. Lee and P. Neff


[1] D = 11 cosmologies with teleparallel structure
Physical Review D100 (2019) 084007 [1908.03680 gr-qc]
Jointly with F. Fiorini, P. A. Gonzalez, Y. Vasquez

[2] Models of lightlike charges with nongeodesic worldlines
Physical Review D100 (2019) 044021 [1908.07400 gr-qc]
Jointly with P. Hogan

[3] Teleparallel Theories of Gravity: Illuminating a Fully Invariant Approach
Classical and Quantum Gravity 36 (2019) 183001 [1810.12932 gr-qc]
Jointly with M. Krssak, R. J. van den Hoogen, J. G. Pereira and A. A. Coley

[4] The regular black hole in four dimensional Born-Infeld gravity
Classical and Quantum Gravity 36 (2019) 12LT01 [1901.02965 gr-qc]
Jointly with F. Fiorini

[5] Soliton solutions in geometrically nonlinear Cosserat micropolar elasticity with large deformations
Wave Motion 84 (2019) 110-124 [1802.02846 math-ph]
Jointly with Y. Lee and P. Neff


[1] Dynamical systems applied to cosmology: dark energy and modified gravity
Physics Reports 775-777 (2018) 1-122 [1712.03107 gr-qc]
Jointly with S. Bahamonde, S. Carloni, E. J. Copeland, W. Fang and N. Tamanini

[2] Generalised matter couplings in general relativity
Physical Review D98 (2018) 024054 [1806.08556 gr-qc]
Jointly with S. Carloni

[3] Does space-time torsion determine the minimum mass of gravitating particles?
European Physical Journal C78 (2018) 253 [1709.07749 gr-qc]
Jointly with P. Burikham, T. Harko and M. J. Lake

[4] On Freud's superpotential in General Relativity and in Einstein-Cartan theory
Physical Review D97 (2018) 044028 [1712.03268 gr-qc]
Jointly with F. W. Hehl

[5] On galaxy rotation curves from a continuum mechanics approach to modified gravity
International Journal of Modern Physics D27 (2018) 1850007 [1403.4110 gr-qc]
Jointly with N. Tamanini and M. Wright


[1] Geometrically nonlinear Cosserat elasticity in the plane: applications to chirality
Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures 12 (2017) 689-710 [1705.04868 math-ph]
Jointly with S. Bahamonde and P. Neff

[2] New classes of modified teleparallel gravity models
Physics Letters B775 (2017) 37-43 [1706.04920 gr-qc]
Jointly with S. Bahamonde and M. Krssak

[3] A Vaidya-type generalisation of Kerr space-time
Modern Physics Letters A32 (2017) 1750189 [1710.01059 gr-qc]
Jointly with P. A. Hogan


[1] Modified teleparallel theories of gravity – Gauss-Bonnet and trace extensions
European Physical Journal C76 (2016) 578 [1606.05557 gr-qc]
Jointly with S. Bahamonde

[2] Soliton-like solutions based on geometrically nonlinear Cosserat micropolar elasticity
Wave Motion 60 (2016) 158-165 [1503.08860 math-ph]
Jointly with P. Neff and B. Seymenoglu


[1] The Einstein static universe in Scalar-Fluid theories
Physical Review D92 (2015) 124067 [1510.01477 gr-qc]
Jointly with N. Tamanini and M. Wright

[2] Modified teleparallel theories of gravity
Physical Review D92 (2015) 104042 [1508.05120 gr-qc]
Jointly with S. Bahamonde and M. Wright

[3] Slowly rotating perfect fluids with a cosmological constant
General Relativity and Gravitation 47 (2015) 143 [1411.5486 gr-qc]
Jointly with M. Wright

[4] Rotational elasticity and couplings to linear elasticity
Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 20 (2015) 959-974 [1008.4005 math-ph]
Jointly with N. Tamanini

[5] Generalized f(R,φ,X) gravity and the late-time cosmic acceleration
Universe 2015, 1(2), 186-198 [1506.07728 gr-qc]
Jointly with S. Bahamonde, F. S. N. Lobo, D. Saez-Gomez

[6] Interacting quintessence from a variational approach Part II: derivative couplings
Physical Review D91 (2015) 123003 [1502.04030 gr-qc]
Jointly with N. Tamanini and M. Wright

[7] Interacting quintessence from a variational approach Part I: algebraic couplings
Physical Review D91 (2015) 123002 [1501.06540 gr-qc]
Jointly with N. Tamanini and M. Wright


[1] Dynamical systems in cosmology
LTCC Advanced Mathematics Series: Volume 5, Dynamical and Complex Systems.
Edited by: S. Bullett, T. Fearn, F. Smith, World Scientific, Singapore (2017)
Graduate level student lecture notes [1409.5585 gr-qc]
Jointly with N. Chan

[2] From continuum mechanics to general relativity
Honorable mention in the 2014 essay competition of the Gravity Research Foundation
International Journal of Modern Physics D23 (2014) 1442015 [1405.4728 gr-qc]
Jointly with R. J. Downes


[1] Einstein static Universe in hybrid metric-Palatini gravity
Physical Review D88 (2013) 104019 [1305.0025 gr-qc]
Jointly with F. S. N. Lobo and N. Tamanini

[2] A new approach to modifying theories of gravity
Foundations of Physics 43 (2013) 1478-1488 [1301.5471 gr-qc]
Jointly with N. Tamanini

[3] Generalized hybrid metric-Palatini gravity
Physical Review D87 (2013) 084031 [1302.2355 gr-qc]
Jointly with N. Tamanini


[1] Good and bad tetrads in f(T) gravity
Physical Review D86 (2012) 044009 [1204.4593 gr-qc]
Jointly with N. Tamanini

[2] Dynamics of dark energy models and centre manifolds
Physics Letters B714 (2012) 11-17 [1111.6247 gr-qc]
Jointly with N. Chan and R. Lazkoz

[3] Helicity – from Clifford to Graphene
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 45 (2012) 205206 [1204.0135 math-ph]
Jointly with L. Corpe

[4] Bounds on M/R for Charged Objects with positive Cosmological constant
Classical and Quantum Gravity 29 (2012) 095012 [1201.5725 gr-qc]
Jointly with H. Andréasson and A. Mussa

[5] Wormhole geometries in modified teleparralel gravity and the energy conditions
Physical Review D85 (2012) 044033 [1110.5756 gr-qc]
Jointly with T. Harko and F. S. N. Lobo

[6] A gauge theoretic approach to elasticity with microrotations
Proceedings of the Royal Society A468 (2012) 1391-1407 [1012.5951 math-ph]
Jointly with Y. N. Obukhov

[7] Jacobi stability analysis of dynamical systems – applications in gravitation and cosmology
Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 16 (2012) 1145-1196 [1010.5464 math-ph]
Jointly with T. Harko and S. V. Sabau

[8] Book review: The Geometry of Physics: An Introduction (3rd edn), by T. Frankel
Contemporary Physics 53, Issue 5, (2012) 441-442


[1] Existence of relativistic stars in f(T) gravity
Classical and Quantum Gravity 28 (2011) 245020 [1107.4455 gr-qc]
Jointly with A. Mussa and N. Tamanini

[2] Rotational elasticity
The Quarterly J. of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics 64 (2011) 415-439 [1008.3833 math-ph]
Jointly with R. J. Downes and D. Vassiliev

[3] Charged perfect fluids in the presence of a cosmological constant
General Relativity and Gravitation 43 (2011) 3033-3046 [1010.1367 gr-qc]
Jointly with A. Mussa

[4] Book review: Structures in the Universe by Exact Methods, by K. Bolejko, A. Krasinski, C. Hellaby, M.-N. Celerier
General Relativity and Gravitation 43 (2011) 923-924


[1] Nonlinear stability analysis of the Emden-Fowler equation
Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics 17 (2010) 503-516 [0902.1054 math-ph]
Jointly with T. Harko

[2] Stability of the Einstein static universe in IR modified Hořava gravity
European Physical Journal C70 (2010) 1111-1118 [0909.3986 gr-qc]
Jointly with F. S. N. Lobo

[3] Classical tests of general relativity in brane world models
Classical and Quantum Gravity 27 (2010) 185013 [0910.3800 gr-qc]
Jointly with G. De Risi, T. Harko and F. S. N. Lobo

[4] Dark spinor models in gravitation and cosmology
Journal of High Energy Physics 07 (2010) 053 [1003.3858 hep-th]
Jointly with J. Burnett, D. F. Mota and D. J. Shaw

[5] Quintessence with quadratic coupling to dark matter
Physical Review D81 (2010) 083003 [0911.3089 gr-qc]
Jointly with G. Caldera-Cabral, N. Chan, R. Lazkoz and R. Maartens

[6] Spin fluids in homogeneous and isotropic spacetimes
Ukrainian Journal of Physics 55 (2010) 607-612 [gr-qc/0601089]
Jointly with P. Bronowski

[7] Dark energy with dark spinors
Modern Physics Letters A25 (2010) 101-110 [0906.1351 gr-qc]
Jointly with J. Burnett

[8] Book review: Introduction to Quantum Effects in Gravity, by V. F. Mukhanov and S. Winitzki
Contemporary Physics 51, Issue 5, (2010) 453


[1] Bounds on M/R for static objects with a positive cosmological constant
Classical and Quantum Gravity 26 (2009) 195007 [0904.2497 gr-qc]
Jointly with H. Andréasson

[2] Stability of the Einstein static universe in modified Gauss-Bonnet gravity
Physical Review D79 (2009) 067504 [0902.2982 gr-qc]
Jointly with F. S. N. Lobo

[3] Einstein static universes are unstable in generic f(R) models
Physical Review D79 (2009) 064009 [0901.0892 gr-qc]
Jointly with S. S. Seahra


[1] Dark spinors with torsion in cosmology
Physical Review D78 (2008) 104001 [0809.0469 gr-qc]
Jointly with J. Burnett

[2] Stability of the Schwarzschild Interior in Loop Quantum Gravity
Physical Review D78 (2008) 067501 [0807.3042 gr-qc]
Jointly with K. Vandersloot

[3] Dark spinor inflation – theory primer and dynamics
Physical Review D77 (2008) 123535 [0804.0616 astro-ph]

[4] Dynamics of dark energy with a coupling to dark matter
Physical Review D78 (2008) 023505 [0801.1565 gr-qc]
Jointly with G. Caldera-Cabral, R. Lazkoz and R. Maartens

[5] Solar system tests of brane world models
Classical and Quantum Gravity 25 (2008) 045015 [0801.1375 gr-qc]
Jointly with T. Harko and F. S. N. Lobo

[6] Wormhole geometries with conformal motions
Classical and Quantum Gravity 25 (2008) 075016 [0711.2424 gr-qc]
Jointly with T. Harko and F. S. N. Lobo

[7] Perfect fluid spheres with cosmological constant
Physical Review D77 (2008) 064008 [0711.1450 gr-qc]
Jointly with G. Fodor

[8] CMB Anisotropies and Inflation from Non-Standard Spinors
Physics Letters B663 (2008) 168-171 [0710.2003 astro-ph]
Jointly with D. F. Mota

[9] Generalized virial theorem in f(R) gravity
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 03 (2008) 024 [0710.0966 gr-qc]
Jointly with T. Harko and F. S. N. Lobo

[10] Dark matter as a geometric effect in f(R) gravity
Astroparticle Physics 29 (2008) 386-392 [0709.0046 gr-qc]
Jointly with T. Harko and F. S. N. Lobo

[11] A new two-sphere singularity in general relativity
International Journal of Modern Physics D17 (2008) 897-910 [gr-qc/0703024]
Jointly with F. S. N. Lobo

[12] Physics of dark energy particles
Foundations of Physics 38 (2008) 216-227 [gr-qc/0602081]
Jointly with T. Harko

[13] Book review: Exotic Smoothness and Physics: Differential Topology and Spacetime Models, by T. Asselmeyer-Maluga and C.H. Brans
Contemporary Physics 49, Issue 5, (2008) 379-390


[1] The Einstein-Yang-Mills equations from Bianchi identities
Modern Physics Letters A22 (2007) 2727-2735 [0710.0752 gr-qc]
Jointly with L. Fabbri

[2] Loop Quantum Dynamics of the Schwarzschild Interior
Physical Review D76 (2007) 104030 [0709.2129 gr-qc]
Jointly with K. Vandersloot

[3] Conformally symmetric traversable wormholes
Physical Review D76 (2007) 084014 [0708.1537 gr-qc]
Jointly with T. Harko and F. S. N. Lobo

[4] Stability of the Einstein static universe in f(R) gravity
Physical Review D76 (2007) 084005 [0706.1663 gr-qc]
Jointly with L. Hollenstein and F. S. N. Lobo

[5] Can dark matter be a Bose-Einstein condensate?
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 06 (2007) 025 [0705.4158 astro-ph]
Jointly with T. Harko

[6] Galactic dark matter as a bulk effect on the brane
Classical and Quantum Gravity 24 (2007) 3191-3209 [0705.2496 gr-qc]
Jointly with T. Harko

[7] On Einstein clusters as galactic dark matter halos
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 379 (2007) 393-398 [0705.1756 gr-qc]
Jointly with T. Harko

[8] Extra force in f(R) modified theories of gravity
Physical Review D75 (2007) 104016 [0704.1733 gr-qc]
Jointly with O. Bertolami, T. Harko and F. S. N. Lobo

[9] Minimum mass-radius ratio for charged gravitational objects
General Relativity and Gravitation 39 (2007) 757-775 [gr-qc/0702078]
Jointly with T. Harko

[10] The Einstein-Elko system – Can dark matter drive inflation?
Annalen der Physik 16 (2007) 325-341 [gr-qc/0701087]

[11] Dark energy as a massive vector field
European Physical Journal C50 (2007) 423-429 [gr-qc/0701029]
Jointly with T. Harko

[12] The Einstein-Cartan-Elko system
Annalen der Physik 16 (2007) 38-44 [gr-qc/0607088]


[1] Bounds on the basic physical parameters for anisotropic compact general relativistic objects
Classical and Quantum Gravity 23 (2006) 6479-6491 [gr-qc/0609061]
Jointly with T. Harko

[2] Scales set by the cosmological constant
Classical and Quantum Gravity 23 (2006) 485-496 [gr-qc/0511057]
Jointly with A. Balaguera-Antolínez and M. Nowakowski


[1] Does the cosmological constant imply the existence of a minimum mass?
Physics Letters B630 (2005) 73-77 [gr-qc/0509110]
Jointly with T. Harko

[2] On inflation and torsion in cosmology
Acta Physica Polonica B36 (2005) 2841-2845 [gr-qc/0506033]

[3] Dynamical instability of fluid spheres in the presence of a cosmological constant
Physical Review D71 (2005) 084026 [gr-qc/0504075]
Jointly with T. Harko

[4] A note on dilaton gravity with non-smooth potentials
Modern Physics Letters A20 (2005) 1057-1064 [gr-qc/05020930]
Jointly with P. Bronowski

[5] The Spherically Symmetric Standard Model with Gravity
General Relativity and Gravitation 37 (2005) 1435-1482 [gr-qc/0412098]
Jointly with H. Balasin and D. Grumiller

[6] Static perfect fluid balls with given equation of state and cosmological constant
Ukrainian Journal of Physics 50 (2005) 1219-1225 [gr-qc/0409030]

[7] On astrophysical bounds of the cosmological constant
International Journal of Modern Physics D14 (2005) 1507-1525 [gr-qc/0409004]
Jointly with A. Balaguera-Antolínez and M. Nowakowski


[1] Eleven spherically symmetric constant density solutions with cosmological constant
General Relativity and Gravitation 36 (2004) 1039-1054 [gr-qc/0312027]

[2] The Einstein static universe with torsion and the sign problem of the cosmological constant
Classical and Quantum Gravity 21 (2004) 1119-1124 [gr-qc/0310058]

All my papers from inSPIRE with citations